Friday, May 6, 2011

Unofficial: More possible "high density" radioactive venting on May 8

Unit 3

From Japan House Representative Taro Kono:


『細野補佐官から,本件は熱交換機の設置といった次のステップに進む上で非常に重要である,また,(今後, 放射性物質が外に排出され得るという点で,)汚染水排出の際の失敗を繰り返さないよう,関係者は情報共有を 密に行い,高い感度を持って取り組んで欲しい,とする発言があった。』"


I received 3 emails with attachments from junior government officials in the energy department.

The first email:
Minutes of meeting between TEPCO and the government on the 1st May.
"If the current situation continues, high density radiation will be released on the 8th May."
"Mr Hosono said: It is very important to go to the next step regarding the installation of the heat exchanger machine. For the concerned parties, be careful of the sharing of information with high sensitivity so that the same mistakes aren't made again like the release of the radiated water previously.

Edit: It seems like this dialogue was released with the full intention for it to go viral, as it subsequently has done; in any case, i am speculating that this involves unit 3.

Asahi news:  Fewer workers willing to brave radiation risk at crippled Fukushima plant

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